
YWAM's Legacy Words and Covenants

YWAM Legacy Words

YWAM’s identity and mission is further clarified by what we know as the “Four Legacy Words” given by God to Loren Cunningham through the years. These are the major words of the Lord, which over our history have guided us and shaped our inheritance as a mission.

  1. The Covenantal Vision of the Waves, which Loren received in June of 1956 in the Bahamas shortly before his 21st birthday.

  2. The Call to Disciple Nations through the Seven Spheres of Society

  3. The Christian Magna Carta

  4. The Commitment to End Bible Poverty Now

YWAM Covenants

YWAM's foundational documents. All about realigning YWAM to God's original call.

  1. 1988: Manila Covenant
  2. 1992: Red Sea Covenant
  3. 2002: Nanning Covenant
  4. 2010: Jubilee Covenant
  5. 2014: Singapore Covenant
  6. 2014: End Bible Poverty Covenant

Words for YWAM Sendai

Words specific to YWAM Sendai

  1. Build community (love, joy, refreshing)
  2. Families and young people - reach and restore
  3. Intimacy with God (deep roots, trees planted near streams of water)
  4. Japanese Christianity, contextualisation (redeemed matsuri, Japanese instruments)
  5. Christian unity (bridge between islands, Eph 4:1-16, John 17:20-23)
  6. Rebuilding and restoring (Sendai, broken people)
  7. Pioneer all prefectures of Tohoku

Words for YWAM Japan

  1. Speaking the truth in love
  2. We are the temple
  3. Building the altar of worship
  4. Culture of honour