
Life at YWAM Sendai

Here is a glimpse of what life is like as a Sendai YWAMer on a weekly basis.

For more information on staffing at YWAM Sendai, check out the commitments and expectations.

Core Schedule

These are the regular times where we expect all of our staff to attend.

Staff Meeting

Every Monday afternoon from 13:30 to 14:30 we have our staff meeting where we share testimonies, hear reports from the various ministry groups and departments, and note upcoming schedule-related things. (Usually located in Ayashi)


Every Wednesday morning from 08:15 to 09:15 we meet together for worship. (Usually located at FCBC in central Sendai)


Every Friday morning from 08:15 to 09:15 we meet together for intercession where we pray for what is on God's heart. (Usually located at FCBC in central Sendai)

Community Meal

Once a month we prepare and eat a meal together in one of our homes, followed by playing games or watching a movie together. This is a relaxing and fun time where we just enjoy each other. We also celebrate birthdays and other occasions together.

Other Things Happening

We encourage all of our staff to prayerfully commit to things throughout the week, whether these are existing ministries, new ministries, or serving with local churches or NGOs. Here are some things we currently do.

Homeless Ministry

We partner with a church that ministers to the homeless in central Sendai. This is every every Friday morning. We also take our kitchen car to a monthly event in Kotodaikoen (central Sendai) to feed the homeless.

Park / Sports Ministry

We go to a park in central Sendai in order to hang out or play sports with whoever is around! This happens every Tuesday afternoon.

Kokoro Kitchen

We have a kitchen car ministry called Kokoro Kitchen (kokoro means heart in Japanese)! This is a small business we have established where we serve Taiwanese food in order to build relationship with locals. This runs once per week on a weekday at a central university campus, as well as every Saturday in a local mall.

Worship in the Entertainment District

On Wednesday evenings we worship, prayer walk, and do evangelism in a park in kokubuncho, Sendai's entertainment and red-light district.

Prayer Walks

We prayer walk around various places such as neighbourhoods, train stations, shopping districts, temples, shrines, and universities in order to gain God's heart for the people of Sendai. We are also seeking opportunity establish new ministries and for a building to use for meetings and ministry.

Japanese Practice

We also sometimes meet together in order to intentionally practice Japanese. It's lots of fun, and good practice! This being the case, we do encourage everyone to practice their Japanese whenever possible!