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DTS Assignments

In order to successfully complete the DTS, there are assignments that need to be completed throughout the school.

Journal Assignment

  • Deadline: Every Monday morning before 08:30
  • Method of Submission: Email (digital), or hand in to one-on-one staff (written)

During the whole lecture phase you will receive a lot of new content, ideas and experiences. In order to learn from these, it is important to take time to evaluate, process and apply what we have learned. We will have time to process together with others in class, small group and one-on‐ones. The journal will be a more personal way to process what you have learned and to keep track of what God has done and spoken into your life each week during this DTS.

Your one-on-one staff and occasionally the school leader will read it and ask questions to help you expand upon what was written.

Every week the following things are to be in your journal:

1. Outreach Experiences

Every week we will do 2 local outreaches. One of them either on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, and the other on Wednesday evenings. The aim of this time is to reach people to bring them a step closer in knowing Jesus. We pray that you will have opportunities to impact people with the gospel in your time here in Sendai. These times give us an opportunity to grow in our ability to reflect who Jesus is to those around us either through playing sports, conversation , praying walk, etc.

Write something about your experiences every week. You can use some of the following questions to help you:

  • What did you do?
  • What was your goal?
  • What strategy did you use?
  • What did God speak to or through you?
  • How was the response?
  • What would be an area of growth or what would you need (to learn) to be more effective?

2. God is...

Choose one characteristic of God per week and study your bible about this specific aspect of Gods character. (For example; grace, faithfulness, righteousness, love). Use at least 5 scriptures and explain what they teach you about who God is. Also write about how this affects your life or beliefs. If there is another topic you have on your heart to study about, you are free to do so.

3. What three things has God spoken to you during this week?

Write about what God has spoken to you during this week. Either through the lectures, events, relationships, quiet times or else. What will you do practically to apply what you have learned this week?

4. Questions about the content of the week

Some of the weeks we will give you additional questions that will help you process the things that have been taught during lectures or that have happened in class.

5. Church

During your time in the DTS you have the opportunity to be a part of the local body of Christ and this is part of your full learning week and a requirement for this DTS. You can find different options of the various churches in Sendai here. Feel free to visit different ones in the first few weeks and then commit to going to one regularly.

For this part of your journal assignment, write a paragraph about what God has spoken to you through the sermon, through conversations you had, or just by being at the church. If the church was in Japanese and you didn't understand the sermon, ask God what he is teaching or encouraging you by being in that setting.

Book Reports

  • Deadline: Different for each book.
  • Method of Submission: Email (digital), hand in to one-on-one staff (written), or a creative presentation in a process group.

During the lecture phase you are required to read at least 3 books that you are to give a report on.

The books we will read for this school are:

  1. "Is That Really You, God?" by Loren Cunningham ‐ (due Friday 25 October)
  2. "Making Jesus Lord" by Loren Cunningham ‐ (due Friday 22 November)
  3. A book of your choosing ‐ (due Friday 13 December)

Assignment for “Is that Really You, God?”

After reading through "Is That Really You, God?" each person is to prepare a presentation and share it during a process group:

  • Choose one principle of hearing God’s voice mentioned in the book and describe how it was applied in that situation, and how it is to be applied in your life.
  • Then choose one YWAM value. Using a specific situation in the book, describe how God made it clear that this particular value was to be foundational for YWAM.

Your presentation may be given through a song, drama, video, power point, teaching, etc. A list of YWAM Foundational Values can be found here.

Tohoku Project

During your DTS you have the opportunity to adopt a prefecture in Tohoku in prayer and do research on to create intercession tools for YWAM Sendai. You will also have an opportunity to go on a vision trip to one of the prefectures during the lecture phase.

We will use these tools for our team, future DTSes and outreach teams to continue to dream God’s dream for the Tohoku Region of Japan. You can be a part of seeing apostolic pioneering in the 6 prefectures in the Tohoku Region. You can work on this every Monday afternoon and we will use some of this during scheduled intercession times for Tohoku.

Ask God to show you areas of significance where you can pray for specific ministry opportunities to be released in this prefecture. What are some of the greatest needs and opportunities short-term and long-term teams can be involved with?

Produce a 2-page A4 Prayer Resource. Write a summary of your research, like the land, the history and the people, and key facts of the prefecture that you are doing research on.

Your paper must include:

  • A Map of Tohoku highlighting the prefecture that you’re focusing on
  • Capital City of that prefecture, and key cities/ places
  • The Population and age demographics of that prefecture
  • Estimated Christian population, churches, ministries, missionaries (you can write the addresses at the back of your paper of those churches, ministries, missionaries if there are any)
  • What are they known for? Major tourist attractions, products, festivals, etc.
  • What are the challenges in sharing the gospel?
  • What opportunities are there for short-term teams like DTS outreaches, as well as for long-term missionaries?
  • Key prayer points