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Successful Completion of the DTS

As the YWAM DTS is a programme registered with the University of the Nations, students receive a grade. For the DTS, this is either "Successful" (S) or "Unsuccessful" (U). This page outlines how to successfully complete the DTS, as well as the process for being unsuccessful.

Successful (S)

A certificate of completion of the DTS will be given with the satisfactory completion of the following:

  1. Full payment of fees
  2. Completion of all required assignments (journal, book reports, & projects)
  3. Participation in at least two local ministries each week
  4. Successful completion of the eight week outreach
  5. Actively participating in all required school related activities
  6. Consistent and prompt attendance of all required school related activities
  7. Adherence to the DTS guidelines

Note: Absence from class for any other reason than illness must be preauthorized by your school leader.

Unsuccessful (U)

Being unsuccessful in completing the DTS would be due to not ensuring the above, or due to repeated bad behaviour or actions. We follow the following process, which would end in the student being expelled from the school.

Step 1 - The Informal Stage: Normal ongoing interaction between staff and student

From the beginning, the DTS community and staff should function according to the school guidelines. In this stage, staff are to give consistent encouragement to students in natural ways.

When a student's attitudes or actions have a negative effect on those around them, it is the responsibility of those they affect to confront them. If they resist changing, the staff are to help the student take responsibility for their behaviour. The student simply needs to seek understanding from God and others regarding the attitude or action, ask forgiveness from those affected, and seek to be more Christ-like in this area.

We are not looking for perfection but for attitudes of humility, teachability, and true desire to change. We are most concerned when the student is blind and does not accept any responsibility for their attitudes or behaviours. In this case, it is critical that staff continue to reach out to the student in love and wisdom, without judgement, in an effort to see a breakthrough. When no breakthrough seems apparent Step 2 needs to be taken.

Step 2 - The Formal Stage: Warning of failure or expulsion

When behaviour is serious enough to warrant possible expulsion or failure from the DTS and/or the student is not responding to the informal efforts in Step 1 then Step 2, the formal stage, is to be taken.

Formal Meeting - This is a planned session between a DTS staff member and the student. The goal of this meeting is twofold:

  1. For the student to understand if the behaviour doesn't change they will fail from the program or be expelled.
  2. For the student to understand what changes are necessary for them to pass and not be expelled.

It is important that the student verbalises that they understand these two things. The staff and the student then work on the solution together, with the staff person coaching and helping them to see the practical steps they can take to rectify the problem. It is vital that the student owns the decision and takes responsibility to implement the steps discussed. It is essential that staff facilitate the student partnering with the Holy Spirit to make the necessary changes. It is necessary to maintain a connection with the student to ensure needed changes are made.

Step 3 - Final Warning

When the agreed upon change does not occur, the student is given one final warning where the staff member and school leader discuss with the student the problem behaviour. The student is given a set period of time within which they are to make their decision to change their behaviour or face the consequences. At this point it might be advisable to share a general account of the issue and process with the rest of the school in line with Matthew 18.

If after this time period the student's decision is not to change, the response is automatic expulsion or failure. If the decision is yes they will change and staff decide the student can continue on in the DTS; but if as time goes by the student does not change, then the student can be expelled or failed without any further warning.

Step 4 - Expulsion / Failure

This step results when:

  • All other avenues have been exhausted
  • As a result of the decision the student made in the Final Warning stage or for a major and serious breach of the school guidelines.
  • After prayer
  • By DTS Leader in consultation with appropriate base leadership

A formal meeting should be held where the student being asked to leave has verbalised the reasons for his expulsion. The student should be clear on what the problem is and where it is he has failed to make right choices or adjust behaviour. The meeting is to be brief and a summary of the process that has brought you to this decision should be given.