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DTS Guidelines

In order to make the most of this short but intense DTS season, we have some guidelines to help us to honour and love each other as a community.

The One Another Passages

Primarily, we look to the Bible for how we should live in community that loves one another. We encourage you to read and meditate on the following verses.

  • Be devoted to one another in brotherly love (Rom 12:10)
  • Give preference to one another in honour (Rom 12:10)
  • Accept one another (Rom 15:7)
  • Serve one another (Gal 5:13)
  • Submit to one another (Eph 5:21)
  • Teach and admonish one another (Col 3:16)
  • Encourage one another (1 Thes 5:11)
  • Build up one another (1 Thes 5:11)
  • Stimulate one another to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24)
  • Confess sins to one another (James 5:16)
  • Pray for one another (James 5:16)
  • Be hospitable to one another without complaint (1 Peter 4:9)
  • Speak truth in love to one another (Eph 4:15-16)

Community Guidelines

Though we keep each other to the above standards, we do have some guidelines to help facilitate a healthy community and space.

  1. To encourage everyone to be an active part of the DTS community, as well as to give focus to God, exclusive relationships (especially romantic) are strongly discouraged during DTS.
  2. To encourage good rest and personal time with God during this intense season, aim to be quiet and have lights off by 10pm, and wake up by 7am.
  3. To encourage focus and intentionality, refrain from using electronic devices (besides note taking and Bible) during all DTS schedule (lectures & breaks, mealtimes, worship, intercession, small groups, outreach etc.). Also be mindful of excessive use of electronic devices in communal areas in free time.

Facility Guidelines

Please note that the facility we use for the DTS belongs to the Sendai Baptist Seminary. It is NOT a YWAM property! Because of this, please respect these facilities and adhere to these guidelines. Takeishi-san is the facility warden. He doesn't speak English but is friendly and happy to help if necessary.


  • Keep ALL areas (both communal & bedroom) clean and tidy.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, or vapes cannot be consumed nor stored on site.
  • On the ground/first floor of the main building, you can only enter the kitchen/dining hall area, toilets, and shower room. All other areas are off-limits.
  • The wifi details are displayed on the wall by the office door.
  • If you are given keys, do not lose them! (This would only apply for those staying in the apartment or house.)

Entrance Area (Genkan)

  • After taking off your shoes at the entrance, move them to the shoe storage on the side (keep the entrance area shoe-free).
  • Keep the entrance doors closed to keep insects out.
  • Don't hang out outside the main entrance to the main building.


  • Don’t enter the sleeping areas of the opposite gender (Girls: upstairs in the house. Guys: upstairs dorms in the main building).
  • For bedding, each person will get a brown futon set, two white sheets, and a pillowcase. Put the pillow in the pillowcase, spread one sheet on the futon, another sheet on top of yourself, and then the duvet goes on top (your skin shouldn’t touch the brown futon!).
  • Please wash the sheets and pillowcase regularly (at least once every one to two weeks).
  • When departing the property, take off the white sheets and pillowcase and leave them on the floor. No need to remove the brown covers. Please fold up the brown futons and leave them on the bed.

Upstairs Classroom/Sanctuary

  • NO eating or drinking is allowed in the upstairs classroom (including water).
  • Straighten up the chairs and tables as they were when you are finished using the room.

Kitchen & Dining Hall

  • If you cook and eat in the main kitchen/dining hall, make sure to wash and dry everything you used and return it to its original place. This needs to be done BEFORE you leave the area!
  • As there is a church using the kitchen/dining hall on the weekends, make sure it is especially clean and tidy with no personal belongings every Friday evening. If you want to cook or hang out over the weekend, please use the house.
  • Please write your name on all personal food items stored in the fridge. If this is not done, your food item may be disposed of without notice.
  • Sometimes, seminars will be held in the dining hall, so if there are people you don’t know in there, do NOT enter and be quiet in the hallways.


Please separate the garbage into the different bins/bags in the backroom of the main kitchen.

  • Food waste is collected in a bucket in the kitchen. The contents should be taken and emptied in a compost bin outside every day. The bucket needs to be rinsed before placing back in the kitchen.
  • Rinse out cans, PET bottles, and glass jars, then put them into the designated bins/bags in the backroom.
  • Cardboard can be piled neatly in the backroom.
  • Everything else goes into normal garbage, which you can collect in plastic bags and disposed of in the large bin in the backroom.

Shower, Washing Machine & Toilets

  • For those staying in the main building, you may use the shower room downstairs. Make sure to finish within around 20 minutes, to ensure other people can use it too! Please bring your own towel, shampoo and body soap.
  • You may use the washing machine and detergent (unless labelled with a name). Hang your laundry where it won't get in the way (e.g. an empty bedroom), or use the coin laundry near Ayashi station.
  • Guys: As the urinals don't automatically flush, please make it a habit to flush after use to keep them clean and smelling pleasant.